The Fear of the Lord: Discover the Key to Intimately Knowing God
More than ever, there's something missing in our churches, our prayers, and in our personal lives. It's what builds intimacy in our relationship with God. It's what makes our lives real and pure. It's what transforms us into truly Spirit-led children of God. It is the fear of the Lord. In this riveting book, John exposes our need to fear God. With his lovingly confrontational style, he challenges us to reverence God anew in our worship and daily lives. He shows us how the fear of the Lord is the key to knowing God as He yearns to be known, and that any other approach will inevitably result in judgment. This profound message will provoke you to honor God in a way that will revolutionize your life.
Fear Of The Lord - John Bevere
Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Charisma House; Revised edition (July 18, 2006) Language: English